Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Worcester, MA

Construction Play

What do children learn from Construction Play?

Construction play requires dexterity and promotes strength in children’s fingers and hands, improving hand-eye coordination. 

Children’s vocabulary increases as they describe sizes, shapes and colors. Math skills are enhanced when sorting objects by shape and color. 

Block play encourages children to create their own designs, stimulating imaginations and brain power.

Build with Home Depot

Join staff from Home Depot to build a small project. Find just the right tool to get the job done!

Construction Junction

Build towers, make a fort, design a rocket ship… You are limited only by your imagination as you build with multi-sized blocks and recyclables at the Construction Junction.

Little Ones Neighborhood

Enjoy a tot-sized neighborhood. Little ones can build and explore their neighborhood with just the right size blocks and streets.

Safety First!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fire fighter? Come meet Lt. Harrington and get some tips for you and your family!
11:00am - 4:00pm

Hammer & Nails

Get your construction hat on and enjoy some fun with real tools! Practice hammering nails into wood!
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